Leprechaun Trap
Oatmeal Container
Felt, Construction Paper, or Craft Foam
Clay or Play Doh
Gold Candy Coins
(1) Gather all of the materials that you need to make this Leprechaun Trap Craft Idea. You will need to find Oatmeal Container, Felt, Construction Paper, or Craft Foam, Glue, Scissor, Straws, Clay or Play Doh, and Gold Candy Coins.
(2) Take the oatmeal container cap and cut a rectangle hole into it.
(3) Now glue construction paper, felt, or craft foam all around the rectangular hole. But, don't cover the hole.
(4) Now cut out a rectangle just a tiny bit bigger than the hole. Don't glue it on. If the leprechaun steps on this hole, he will fall through.
(5) Now wrap felt, craft foam, or construction paper around the cylinder container.
(6) Now cut out a circle twice as big as the oatmeal container and glue it to the bottom of the container.
(7) Cut out a black band and a yellow square with a tiny square hole in the center and glue it to the bottom of the hat like the picture above.
(8) Now take the straws and glue them together to look like the ladder you see above.
(9) Place coins lightly on the trap door. Don't put too many or they will be too heavy and they will fall through the trap door.
(10) Make a rainbow out of clay or play doh and put it on top of the hat to attract the Leprechaun. I hope you catch that Leprechaun. Happy Saint Patty's Day!!
The WEE little Leprechaun
Toilet paper tube
Green craft foam
Acrylic paints: green, skin-tone, pink, and brown
Black permanent marker
Tacky glue
4 brown pipe cleaners
Decorative button
For this crafty little decoration, first trace around the end of a toilet paper tube onto a piece of green craft foam.
(1)Draw a 2 1/2-inch circle around the first circle, then cut them both out to create a hat top and brim and set them aside.
(2)Next, using acrylic paints, paint the paper tube green. Add a skin-tone face and hands, plus rosy cheeks, as well as a band of brown paint around the back for hair.
(3)Once the paint has dried, use a permanent marker to draw on facial and clothing details, then use tacky glue to stick on 3 coiled brown pipe cleaners: 2 in the back for hair and 1 around the face for a beard. For feet, fold another pipe cleaner in half, then tightly coil and pinch the ends, as shown.
(4)Place the folded pipe cleaner inside the tube and glue the feet to the edge. Glue on the hat top and brim and a 5 1/2- by 1/2-inch strip of craft foam for arms.
(5)Finally, glue a decorative button to the hat brim.
Leprechaun House
green craft foam
green glitter
shamrock stickers
(1) Think rainbows! Rainbow crafts are adorable for St. Patty's Day and are easy to make using any available craft supplies. Don't forget the pot of gold at the end! Colored sidewalk chalk on black construction paper is one way to create fun rainbows for St. Patrick's Day.
(2) Leprechaun hats are another easy St. Patrick's Day craft idea and can be assembled with green craft foam. You'll need three pieces for the bottom, sides, and top. Add a black buckle and green glitter details.
(3) Consider pre-assembled St. Patrick's Day craft kits. Companies like Oriental Trading are a great place to check for kits (like the Leprechaun Cottage, pictured) that are inexpensive and easy.
(4) Four-leaf clovers are another fun craft idea. Have kids go on a four-leaf clover hunt, also collecting some three-leaf clovers. Press the flowers for a few days until they are dry, and kids can make lucky shamrock pictures.